--- swagger: "2.0" info: version: 1.0.6 title: BT - BG PSD2 AISP API description: "# Summary\nThe **NextGenPSD2** *Framework Version 1.2* offers a modern, open, harmonised and interoperable set of \nApplication Programming Interfaces (APIs) as the safest and most efficient way to provide data securely. \nThe NextGenPSD2 Framework reduces XS2A complexity and costs, addresses the problem of multiple competing standards \nin Europe and, aligned with the goals of the Euro Retail Payments Board,\nenables European banking customers to benefit from innovative products and services ('Banking as a Service') \nby granting TPPs safe and secure (authenticated and authorised) access to their bank accounts and financial data.\n\n Futhermore this API definition contains only a subset of the methods, the ones which are mandatory or which are applicable in the BT ecosystem.\n \n## Some General Remarks Related to this version of the OpenAPI Specification:\n* **This API definition is based on the Implementation Guidelines of the Berlin Group PSD2 API.** \n It is not an replacement in any sense.\n The main specification is (at the moment) always the Implementation Guidelines of the Berlin Group PSD2 API.\n* **This API definition contains the REST-API for requests from the AISP to the ASPSP.**\n* **This API definition contains the messages for all different approaches defined in the Implementation Guidelines.**\n*\n\nChangelog:\n\nVersion 1.0.4\n- Dynamic generation of consentId\n- Accounts selected in the consent page are stored and are returned by the GET Consent Details API\n- creditorAccount transaction parameter is object instead of string\n- tppMessages error parameter is array instead of object\n- various minor corrections and additions" x-ibm-name: bt-bg-psd2-aisp-api host: datapower basePath: /bt-psd2-aisp schemes: - https consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json - dragos.panaitescu@itsmartsystems.eu paths: /v2/consents: post: description: "This method create a consent resource, defining access rights to dedicated accounts of \na given PSU-ID. These accounts are addressed explicitly in the method as \nparameters as a core function.\n\n**Side Effects**\nWhen this Consent Request is a request where the \"recurringIndicator\" equals \"true\", \nand if it exists already a former consent for recurring access on account information \nfor the addressed PSU, then the former consent automatically expires as soon as the new \nconsent request is authorised by the PSU.\n\nOptional Extension:\nAs an option, an ASPSP might optionally accept a specific access right on the access on all psd2 related services for all available accounts. \n\nAs another option an ASPSP might optionally also accept a command, where only access rights are inserted without mentioning the addressed account. \nThe relation to accounts is then handled afterwards between PSU and ASPSP. \nThis option is supported only within the Decoupled, OAuth2 or Re-direct SCA Approach. \nAs a last option, an ASPSP might in addition accept a command with access rights\n * to see the list of available payment accounts or\n \ * to see the list of available payment accounts with balances.\n" summary: Create consent tags: - Account Information Service (AIS) operationId: V1ConsentsPost produces: - application/json parameters: - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string format: uuid description: ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: true type: string description: The forwarded IP Address header field consists of the corresponding http request IP Address field between PSU and TPP. - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string pattern: (GEO:)[0-9]{1,3}\.[-][0-9]{6}\,[-][0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{6} description: The forwarded Geo Location of the corresponding http request between PSU and TPP if available. - name: body in: body required: false description: Requestbody for a consents request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Consents' example: access: availableAccounts: allAccounts recurringIndicator: true validUntil: "2019-04-22" combinedServiceIndicator: false frequencyPerDay: 4 responses: 201: description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Consentsresponse201' example: consentStatus: received consentId: 15535944504672sfbf51fa _links: scaOAuth: href: https://apistorebt.ro/bt/sb/oauth/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server self: href: https://apistorebt.ro/bt/sb/bt-psd2-aisp/v3/consents/15535944504672sfbf51fa status: href: https://apistorebt.ro/bt/sb/bt-psd2-aisp/v3/consents/15535944504672sfbf51fa/status 400: description: Bad Request 401: description: Unauthorized 403: description: Forbidden 404: description: Not found 405: description: Method Not Allowed 406: description: Not Acceptable 408: description: Request Timeout 415: description: Unsupported Media Type 429: description: Too Many Requests 503: description: Service Unavailable default: description: Internal Server Error security: [] x-unitTests: [] x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /v2/consents/{consentId}/status: get: description: Read the status of an account information consent resource. summary: Consent status request tags: - Account Information Service (AIS) operationId: V1ConsentsStatusByConsentIdGet produces: - application/json parameters: - name: consentId in: path required: true type: string description: ID of the corresponding consent object as returned by an Account Information Consent Request. - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string format: uuid description: ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: false type: string description: The forwarded IP Address header field consists of the corresponding http request IP Address field between PSU and TPP. - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string pattern: (GEO:)[0-9]{1,3}\.[-][0-9]{6}\,[-][0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{6} description: The forwarded Geo Location of the corresponding http request between PSU and TPP if available. - name: Authorization type: string required: true in: header description: This header should be in the form "Bearer Token", where Token is returned from the call to OAuth2 Token endpoint. responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Consentstatusresponse200' 400: description: Bad Request 401: description: Unauthorized 403: description: Forbidden 404: description: Not found 405: description: Method Not Allowed 406: description: Not Acceptable 408: description: Request Timeout 415: description: Unsupported Media Type 429: description: Too Many Requests 503: description: Service Unavailable default: description: Internal Server Error security: [] x-unitTests: [] x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /v2/consents/{consentId}: get: description: "Returns the content of an account information consent object. \nThis is returning the data for the TPP especially in cases, \nwhere the consent was directly managed between ASPSP and PSU e.g. in a re-direct SCA Approach.\n" summary: Get Consent Request tags: - Account Information Service (AIS) operationId: V1ConsentsByConsentIdGet produces: - application/json parameters: - name: consentId in: path required: true type: string description: ID of the corresponding consent object as returned by an Account Information Consent Request. - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string format: uuid description: ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: false type: string description: The forwarded IP Address header field consists of the corresponding http request IP Address field between PSU and TPP. - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string pattern: (GEO:)[0-9]{1,3}\.[-][0-9]{6}\,[-][0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{6} description: The forwarded Geo Location of the corresponding http request between PSU and TPP if available. - name: Authorization type: string required: true in: header description: This header should be in the form "Bearer Token", where Token is returned from the call to OAuth2 Token endpoint. responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Consentinformationresponse-200Json' 400: description: Bad Request 401: description: Unauthorized 403: description: Forbidden 404: description: Not found 405: description: Method Not Allowed 406: description: Not Acceptable 408: description: Request Timeout 415: description: Unsupported Media Type 429: description: Too Many Requests 503: description: Service Unavailable default: description: Internal Server Error security: [] x-unitTests: [] x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false delete: description: The TPP can delete an account information consent object if needed. summary: Delete Consent tags: - Account Information Service (AIS) operationId: V1ConsentsByConsentIdDelete produces: - application/json parameters: - name: consentId in: path required: true type: string description: ID of the corresponding consent object as returned by an Account Information Consent Request. - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string format: uuid description: ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: false type: string description: The forwarded IP Address header field consists of the corresponding http request IP Address field between PSU and TPP. - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string pattern: (GEO:)[0-9]{1,3}\.[-][0-9]{6}\,[-][0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{6} description: The forwarded Geo Location of the corresponding http request between PSU and TPP if available. - name: Authorization type: string required: false in: header description: This header should be in the form "Bearer Token", where Token is returned from the call to OAuth2 Token endpoint. Mandatory only in case Oauth2 Redirect SCA was performed in the corresponding consent transaction. responses: 204: description: No Content 400: description: Bad Request 401: description: Unauthorized 403: description: Forbidden 404: description: Not found 405: description: Method Not Allowed 406: description: Not Acceptable 408: description: Request Timeout 415: description: Unsupported Media Type 429: description: Too Many Requests 503: description: Service Unavailable default: description: Internal Server Error security: [] x-unitTests: [] x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /v2/accounts: get: description: "Read the identifiers of the available payment account together with \nbooking balance information, depending on the consent granted.\n\nIt is assumed that a consent of the PSU to this access is already given and stored on the ASPSP system. \nThe addressed list of accounts depends then on the PSU ID and the stored consent addressed by consentId, \nrespectively the OAuth2 access token. \n\nReturns all identifiers of the accounts, to which an account access has been granted to through \nthe /consents endpoint by the PSU. \nIn addition, relevant information about the accounts and hyperlinks to corresponding account \ninformation resources are provided if a related consent has been already granted.\n\nRemark: Note that the /consents endpoint optionally offers to grant an access on all available \npayment accounts of a PSU. \nIn this case, this endpoint will deliver the information about all available payment accounts \nof the PSU at this ASPSP.\n" summary: Read Account List tags: - Account Information Service (AIS) operationId: V1AccountsGet produces: - application/json parameters: - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string format: uuid description: ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. - name: Consent-ID in: header required: true type: string description: This contains the consentId of the related AIS consent, which was performed prior to this call. - name: withBalance in: query required: false type: boolean description: "If contained, this function reads the list of accessible payment accounts including the booking balance, \nif granted by the PSU in the related consent and available by the ASPSP. \nThis parameter might be ignored by the ASPSP." - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: false type: string description: The forwarded IP Address header field consists of the corresponding http request IP Address field between PSU and TPP. - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string pattern: (GEO:)[0-9]{1,3}\.[-][0-9]{6}\,[-][0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{6} description: The forwarded Geo Location of the corresponding http request between PSU and TPP if available. - name: Authorization type: string required: true in: header description: This header should be in the form "Bearer Token", where Token is returned from the call to OAuth2 Token endpoint. responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AccountList' 400: description: Bad Request 401: description: Unauthorized 403: description: Forbidden 404: description: Not found 405: description: Method Not Allowed 406: description: Not Acceptable 408: description: Request Timeout 415: description: Unsupported Media Type 429: description: Too Many Requests 503: description: Service Unavailable default: description: Internal Server Error x-unitTests: [] x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false security: - [] consumes: - application/json /v2/accounts/{account-id}: get: description: "Reads details about an account, with balances where required. \nIt is assumed that a consent of the PSU to \nthis access is already given and stored on the ASPSP system. \nThe addressed details of this account depends then on the stored consent addressed by consentId, \nrespectively the OAuth2 access token.\n\n**NOTE:** The account-id can represent a multicurrency account. \nIn this case the currency code is set to \"XXX\".\n\nGive detailed information about the addressed account.\n\nGive detailed information about the addressed account together with balance information\n" summary: Read Account Details tags: - Account Information Service (AIS) operationId: V1AccountsByAccountIdGet produces: - application/json parameters: - name: account-id in: path required: true type: string description: "This identification is denoting the addressed account. \nThe account-id is retrieved by using a \"Read Account List\" call. \nThe account-id is the \"resourceId\" attribute of the account structure. \nIts value is constant at least throughout the lifecycle of a given consent." - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string format: uuid description: ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. - name: Consent-ID in: header required: true type: string description: This contains the consentId of the related AIS consent, which was performed prior to this call. - name: withBalance in: query required: false type: boolean description: "If contained, this function reads the list of accessible payment accounts including the booking balance, \nif granted by the PSU in the related consent and available by the ASPSP. \nThis parameter might be ignored by the ASPSP." - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: false type: string description: The forwarded IP Address header field consists of the corresponding http request IP Address field between PSU and TPP. - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string pattern: (GEO:)[0-9]{1,3}\.[-][0-9]{6}\,[-][0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{6} description: The forwarded Geo Location of the corresponding http request between PSU and TPP if available. - name: Authorization type: string required: true in: header description: This header should be in the form "Bearer Token", where Token is returned from the call to OAuth2 Token endpoint. responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AccountDetails' examples: application/json: description: Account Details for a regular Account value: account: resourceId: 3dc3d5b3-7023-4848-9853-f5400a64e80f iban: FR7612345987650123456789014 currency: EUR product: Girokonto cashAccountType: CurrentAccount name: Main Account _links: balances: href: /v1/accounts/3dc3d5b3-7023-4848-9853-f5400a64e80f/balances transactions: href: /v1/accounts/3dc3d5b3-7023-4848-9853-f5400a64e80f/transactions 400: description: Bad Request 401: description: Unauthorized 403: description: Forbidden 404: description: Not found 405: description: Method Not Allowed 406: description: Not Acceptable 408: description: Request Timeout 415: description: Unsupported Media Type 429: description: Too Many Requests 503: description: Service Unavailable default: description: Internal Server Error security: [] x-unitTests: [] x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /v2/accounts/{account-id}/balances: get: description: "Reads account data from a given account addressed by \"account-id\". \n\n**Remark:** This account-id can be a tokenised identification due to data protection reason since the path \ninformation might be logged on intermediary servers within the ASPSP sphere. \nThis account-id then can be retrieved by the \"GET Account List\" call.\n\nThe account-id is constant at least throughout the lifecycle of a given consent.\n" summary: Read Balance tags: - Account Information Service (AIS) operationId: V1AccountsBalancesByAccountIdGet produces: - application/json parameters: - name: account-id in: path required: true type: string description: "This identification is denoting the addressed account. \nThe account-id is retrieved by using a \"Read Account List\" call. \nThe account-id is the \"resourceId\" attribute of the account structure. \nIts value is constant at least throughout the lifecycle of a given consent." - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string format: uuid description: ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. - name: Consent-ID in: header required: true type: string description: This contains the consentId of the related AIS consent, which was performed prior to this call. - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: false type: string description: The forwarded IP Address header field consists of the corresponding http request IP Address field between PSU and TPP. - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string pattern: (GEO:)[0-9]{1,3}\.[-][0-9]{6}\,[-][0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{6} description: The forwarded Geo Location of the corresponding http request between PSU and TPP if available. - name: Authorization type: string required: true in: header description: This header should be in the form "Bearer Token", where Token is returned from the call to OAuth2 Token endpoint. responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Readbalanceresponse200' 400: description: Bad Request 401: description: Unauthorized 403: description: Forbidden 404: description: Not found 405: description: Method Not Allowed 406: description: Not Acceptable 408: description: Request Timeout 415: description: Unsupported Media Type 429: description: Too Many Requests 503: description: Service Unavailable default: description: Internal Server Error security: [] x-unitTests: [] x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /v2/accounts/{account-id}/transactions: get: description: "Read transaction reports or transaction lists of a given account ddressed by \"account-id\", depending on the steering parameter \n\"bookingStatus\" together with balances.\n\nFor a given account, additional parameters are e.g. the attributes \"dateFrom\" and \"dateTo\". \nThe ASPSP might add balance information, if transaction lists without balances are not supported.\n" summary: Read Transaction List tags: - Account Information Service (AIS) operationId: V1AccountsTransactionsByAccountIdGet produces: - application/json parameters: - name: account-id in: path required: true type: string description: "This identification is denoting the addressed account. \nThe account-id is retrieved by using a \"Read Account List\" call. \nThe account-id is the \"resourceId\" attribute of the account structure. \nIts value is constant at least throughout the lifecycle of a given consent." - name: bookingStatus in: query required: true enum: - booked - pending - both x-enum-elements: - name: booked description: "" - name: pending description: "" - name: both description: "" type: string description: Permitted codes are "booked". - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string format: uuid description: ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. - name: Consent-ID in: header required: true type: string description: This contains the consentId of the related AIS consent, which was performed prior to this call. - name: dateFrom in: query required: true type: string x-example: "2019-02-20" description: 'Conditional: Starting date (inclusive the date dateFrom) of the transaction list, mandated if no delta access is required. Should not exceed 90 days before current date.' format: date - name: dateTo in: query required: true type: string x-example: "2019-02-25" description: End date (inclusive the data dateTo) of the transaction list, default is now if not given. Should not exceed 7 days past dateFrom value. format: date - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: false type: string description: The forwarded IP Address header field consists of the corresponding http request IP Address field between PSU and TPP. - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string pattern: (GEO:)[0-9]{1,3}\.[-][0-9]{6}\,[-][0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{6} description: The forwarded Geo Location of the corresponding http request between PSU and TPP if available. - name: Authorization type: string required: true in: header description: This header should be in the form "Bearer Token", where Token is returned from the call to OAuth2 Token endpoint. - name: page type: integer required: false in: query format: int32 description: The number of the transaction list page to be returned. If page is not provided but limit is, the first page will be returned. - name: limit type: integer required: false in: query format: int32 description: The number of transactions per page to be returned. If not provided a default number of transactions will be returned. responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Transactionsresponse-200Json' examples: application/json: description: Response in JSON format for an access on a regular account value: account: iban: RO98BTRLRONCRT0ABCDEFGHI transactions: booked: - transactionId: 028MINORON 00001 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "0.13" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ZTRF182730XRR creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "299.63" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ZTRF182730XRT creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "369.42" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ZTRF18244000X creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "384.36" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ZTRF18244000V creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "1641.50" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ECIT182430109 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "2000" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028MINORON 00001 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "0.67" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 013ATCW1824303E3 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "160" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028s1ix182430005 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "6257" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ECIT182430069 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "1600" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182420261 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182420113 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: T13ATCD182390151 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "1100" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 313ATCW1823600GV creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "80" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182350053 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182350151 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 013EIIN182330262 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "40" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182330365 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "1400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ECUP182320056 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "46.26" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EACH182320054 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "34.40" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ECIT182290051 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "3400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182280741 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182280591 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ZTRF1822804L7 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "298.64" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ba00182280004 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "47.04" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ZTRF1822804L9 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "370.41" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 000s00t182280009 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "6250" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ba00182280003 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "27.84" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 766ATCW18223009Z creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "90" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 013ATCW1822203ZV creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "90" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 013ATCW1822203XM creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "110" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182210003 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182210153 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 328CHDP182190065 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "150" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' _links: account: href: https://psd03cj099.bt.wan/bt/sb/bt-psd2-aisp/v1/accounts/K13EURCRT0060214301 400: description: Bad Request 401: description: Unauthorized 403: description: Forbidden 404: description: Not found 405: description: Method Not Allowed 406: description: Not Acceptable 408: description: Request Timeout 415: description: Unsupported Media Type 429: description: Too Many Requests 503: description: Service Unavailable default: description: Internal Server Error security: [] x-unitTests: [] x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false /v2/accounts/{account-id}/transactions/{resourceId}: get: description: "Reads transaction details from a given transaction addressed by \"resourceId\" on a given account addressed by \"account-id\". \nThis call is only available on transactions as reported in a JSON format.\n\n**Remark:** Please note that the PATH might be already given in detail by the corresponding entry of the response of the \n\"Read Transaction List\" call within the _links subfield.\n" summary: Read Transaction Details tags: - Account Information Service (AIS) operationId: V1AccountsTransactionsByAccountIdAndResourceIdGet produces: - application/json parameters: - name: account-id in: path required: true type: string description: "This identification is denoting the addressed account. \nThe account-id is retrieved by using a \"Read Account List\" call. \nThe account-id is the \"resourceId\" attribute of the account structure. \nIts value is constant at least throughout the lifecycle of a given consent." - name: resourceId in: path required: true type: string description: This identification is given by the attribute resourceId of the corresponding entry of a transaction list. - name: X-Request-ID in: header required: true type: string format: uuid description: ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. - name: Consent-ID in: header required: true type: string description: This contains the consentId of the related AIS consent, which was performed prior to this call. - name: PSU-IP-Address in: header required: false type: string description: The forwarded IP Address header field consists of the corresponding http request IP Address field between PSU and TPP. - name: PSU-Geo-Location in: header required: false type: string pattern: (GEO:)[0-9]{1,3}\.[-][0-9]{6}\,[-][0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{6} description: The forwarded Geo Location of the corresponding http request between PSU and TPP if available. - name: Authorization type: string required: true in: header description: This header should be in the form "Bearer Token", where Token is returned from the call to OAuth2 Token endpoint. responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/TransactionDetails' 400: description: Bad Request 401: description: Unauthorized 403: description: Forbidden 404: description: Not found 405: description: Method Not Allowed 406: description: Not Acceptable 408: description: Request Timeout 415: description: Unsupported Media Type 429: description: Too Many Requests 503: description: Service Unavailable default: description: Internal Server Error security: [] x-unitTests: [] x-operation-settings: CollectParameters: false AllowDynamicQueryParameters: false AllowDynamicFormParameters: false IsMultiContentStreaming: false definitions: BT-TppMessage_Error: properties: tppMessages: $ref: '#/definitions/TppMessages' additionalProperties: false AuthenticationObject: title: authenticationObject description: Authentication Object type: object properties: authenticationType: $ref: '#/definitions/AuthenticationType' authenticationMethodId: description: An identification provided by the ASPSP for the later identification of the authentication method selection. example: myAuthenticationID type: string maxLength: 35 authenticationVersion: description: |- Depending on the "authenticationType". This version can be used by differentiating authentication tools used within performing OTP generation in the same authentication type. This version can be referred to in the ASPSP?s documentation. type: string name: description: |- This is the name of the authentication method defined by the PSU in the Online Banking frontend of the ASPSP. Alternatively this could be a description provided by the ASPSP like "SMS OTP on phone +49160 xxxxx 28". This name shall be used by the TPP when presenting a list of authentication methods to the PSU, if available. example: SMS OTP on phone +49160 xxxxx 28 type: string explanation: description: Detailed information about the SCA method for the PSU. example: Detailed information about the SCA method for the PSU. type: string required: - authenticationType - authenticationMethodId AuthenticationType: title: authenticationType example: SMS_OTP x-enum-elements: - name: SMS_OTP description: "" - name: CHIP_OTP description: "" - name: PHOTO_OTP description: "" - name: PUSH_OTP description: "" type: string enum: - SMS_OTP - CHIP_OTP - PHOTO_OTP - PUSH_OTP ChallengeData: title: challengeData type: object properties: image: description: |- PNG data (max. 512 kilobyte) to be displayed to the PSU, Base64 encoding, cp. [RFC4648]. This attribute is used only, when PHOTO_OTP or CHIP_OTP is the selected SCA method. type: string data: description: String challenge data type: string imageLink: description: A link where the ASPSP will provides the challenge image for the TPP. type: string otpMaxLength: description: The maximal length for the OTP to be typed in by the PSU. type: integer format: int32 otpFormat: $ref: '#/definitions/OtpFormat' additionalInformation: description: |- Additional explanation for the PSU to explain e.g. fallback mechanism for the chosen SCA method. The TPP is obliged to show this to the PSU. type: string OtpFormat: title: OtpFormat example: characters x-enum-elements: - name: characters description: "" - name: integer description: "" type: string enum: - characters - integer AccountList: title: accountList description: List of accounts with details. type: object properties: accounts: description: "" type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AccountDetails' required: - accounts example: accounts: - iban: RO98BTRLRONCRT0ABCDEFGHI resourceId: K13RONCRT0060214301 currency: RON product: Cont de disponibil name: Cont de disponibil cashAccountType: CurrentAccount balances: - balanceType: expected creditLimitIncluded: false balanceAmount: currency: RON amount: 675.502000 referenceDate: "2019-03-26" - balanceType: expected creditLimitIncluded: true balanceAmount: currency: RON amount: 675.502000 referenceDate: "2019-03-26" _links: balances: href: https://apistorebt.ro/bt/sb/bt-psd2-aisp/v1/accounts/K13RONCRT0060214301/balances transactions: href: https://apistorebt.ro/bt/sb/bt-psd2-aisp/v1/accounts/K13RONCRT0060214301/transactions - iban: RO98BTRLEURCRT0ABCDEFGHI resourceId: K13EURCRT0060214301 currency: EUR product: Cont de disponibil name: Cont de disponibil cashAccountType: CurrentAccount balances: - balanceType: expected creditLimitIncluded: false balanceAmount: currency: EUR amount: 0 referenceDate: "2019-03-26" - balanceType: expected creditLimitIncluded: true balanceAmount: currency: EUR amount: 0 referenceDate: "2019-03-26" _links: balances: href: https://apistorebt.ro/bt/sb/bt-psd2-aisp/v1/accounts/K13EURCRT0060214301/balances transactions: href: https://apistorebt.ro/bt/sb/bt-psd2-aisp/v1/accounts/K13EURCRT0060214301/transactions AccountDetails: title: accountDetails description: |- The ASPSP shall give at least one of the account reference identifiers: - iban - bban - pan - maskedPan - msisdn If the account is a multicurrency account currency code in "currency" is set to "XXX". type: object properties: resourceId: description: This shall be filled, if addressable resource are created by the ASPSP on the /accounts or /card-accounts endpoint. type: string maxLength: 35 iban: description: IBAN of an account example: FR7612345987650123456789014 type: string pattern: '[A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}' bban: description: "Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) Identifier\n\nThis data element can be used in the body of the Consent Request\n Message for retrieving Account access Consent from this Account. This\n data elements is used for payment Accounts which have no IBAN.\n ISO20022: Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN). \n \n Identifier used nationally by financial institutions, i.e., in individual countries, \n generally as part of a National Account Numbering Scheme(s), \n which uniquely identifies the account of a customer." example: BARC12345612345678 type: string pattern: '[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}' msisdn: description: Mobile phone number. example: +49 170 1234567 type: string maxLength: 35 currency: description: ISO 4217 Alpha 3 currency code example: EUR type: string pattern: '[A-Z]{3}' name: description: Name of the account given by the bank or the PSU in online-banking. type: string maxLength: 35 product: description: Product name of the bank for this account, proprietary definition. type: string maxLength: 35 cashAccountType: description: ExternalCashAccountType1Code from ISO 20022. type: string status: $ref: '#/definitions/AccountStatus' bic: description: BICFI example: AAAADEBBXXX type: string pattern: '[A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}' linkedAccounts: description: Case of a set of pending card transactions, the APSP will provide the relevant cash account the card is set up on. type: string maxLength: 70 usage: $ref: '#/definitions/Usage' details: description: |- Specifications that might be provided by the ASPSP - characteristics of the account - characteristics of the relevant card type: string maxLength: 140 balances: description: |- A list of balances regarding this account, e.g. the current balance, the last booked balance. The list migght be restricted to the current ballance. type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Balance' _links: description: |- Links to the account, which can be directly used for retrieving account information from this dedicated account. Links to "balances" and/or "transactions" These links are only supported, when the corresponding consent has been already granted. type: object additionalProperties: type: object example: account: iban: RO98BTRLRONCRT0ABCDEFGHI resourceId: K13RONCRT0060214301 currency: RON product: Cont de disponibil name: Cont de disponibil cashAccountType: CurrentAccount balances: - balanceType: expected creditLimitIncluded: false balanceAmount: currency: RON amount: 675.502000 referenceDate: "2019-03-26" - balanceType: expected creditLimitIncluded: true balanceAmount: currency: RON amount: 675.502000 referenceDate: "2019-03-26" _links: balances: href: https://apistorebt.ro/bt/sb/bt-psd2-aisp/v1/accounts/K13RONCRT0060214301/balances transactions: href: https://apistorebt.ro/bt/sb/bt-psd2-aisp/v1/accounts/K13RONCRT0060214301/transactions AccountStatus: title: accountStatus example: enabled x-enum-elements: - name: enabled description: "" - name: deleted description: "" - name: blocked description: "" type: string enum: - enabled - deleted - blocked Usage: title: Usage example: PRIV x-enum-elements: - name: PRIV description: "" - name: ORGA description: "" type: string enum: - PRIV - ORGA Balance: title: balance description: A single balance element type: object properties: balanceAmount: $ref: '#/definitions/Amount' balanceType: $ref: '#/definitions/BalanceType' lastChangeDateTime: description: "This data element might be used to indicate e.g. with the expected or booked balance that no action is known \non the account, which is not yet booked." type: string format: date-time referenceDate: description: Reference date of the balance type: string format: date lastCommittedTransaction: description: "\"entryReference\" of the last commited transaction to support the TPP in identifying whether all \nPSU transactions are already known." type: string maxLength: 35 required: - balanceAmount - balanceType Amount: title: amount example: currency: EUR amount: "123" type: object properties: currency: description: ISO 4217 Alpha 3 currency code example: EUR type: string pattern: '[A-Z]{3}' amount: description: |- The amount given with fractional digits, where fractions must be compliant to the currency definition. Up to 14 significant figures. Negative amounts are signed by minus. The decimal separator is a dot. **Example:** Valid representations for EUR with up to two decimals are: * 1056 * 5768.2 * -1.50 * 5877.78 example: "5877.78" type: string pattern: -?[0-9]{1,14}(\.[0-9]{1,3})? required: - currency - amount BalanceType: title: balanceType example: closingBooked x-enum-elements: - name: closingBooked description: "" - name: expected description: "" - name: authorised description: "" - name: openingBooked description: "" - name: interimAvailable description: "" - name: forwardAvailable description: "" - name: nonInvoiced description: "" - name: available description: "" type: string enum: - closingBooked - expected - authorised - openingBooked - interimAvailable - forwardAvailable - nonInvoiced - available Readbalanceresponse200: title: readBalanceResponse-200 description: Body of the response for a successful read balance request. type: object properties: balances: description: |- A list of balances regarding this account, e.g. the current balance, the last booked balance. The list migght be restricted to the current ballance. type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Balance' account: description: "" type: object required: - balances example: account: iban: RO98BTRLRONCRT0ABCDEFGHI balances: - balanceType: expected creditLimitIncluded: false balanceAmount: currency: RON amount: 675.502000 referenceDate: "2019-03-26" - balanceType: expected creditLimitIncluded: true balanceAmount: currency: RON amount: 675.502000 referenceDate: "2019-03-26" Transactionsresponse-200Json: title: transactionsResponse-200_json description: Body of the JSON response for a successful read transaction list request. example: account: iban: RO98BTRLRONCRT0ABCDEFGHI transactions: booked: - transactionId: 028MINORON 00001 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "0.13" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ZTRF182730XRR creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "299.63" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ZTRF182730XRT creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "369.42" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ZTRF18244000X creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "384.36" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ZTRF18244000V creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "1641.50" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ECIT182430109 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "2000" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028MINORON 00001 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "0.67" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 013ATCW1824303E3 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "160" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028s1ix182430005 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "6257" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ECIT182430069 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "1600" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182420261 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182420113 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: T13ATCD182390151 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "1100" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 313ATCW1823600GV creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "80" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182350053 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182350151 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 013EIIN182330262 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "40" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182330365 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "1400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ECUP182320056 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "46.26" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EACH182320054 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "34.40" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ECIT182290051 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "3400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182280741 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182280591 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ZTRF1822804L7 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "298.64" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ba00182280004 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "47.04" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ZTRF1822804L9 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "370.41" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 000s00t182280009 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "6250" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028ba00182280003 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "27.84" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 766ATCW18223009Z creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "90" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 013ATCW1822203ZV creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "90" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 013ATCW1822203XM creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "110" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182210003 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 028EINT182210153 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "400" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' - transactionId: 328CHDP182190065 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "150" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' _links: account: href: https://apistorebt.ro/bt/sb/bt-psd2-aisp/v1/accounts/K13EURCRT0060214301 type: object properties: account: description: "" type: object transactions: $ref: '#/definitions/AccountReport' balances: description: |- A list of balances regarding this account, e.g. the current balance, the last booked balance. The list migght be restricted to the current ballance. type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Balance' _links: description: "A list of hyperlinks to be recognised by the TPP.\n\nType of links admitted in this response:\n - \"download\": a link to a resource, where the transaction report might be downloaded from in \n case where transaction reports have a huge size.\n\nRemark: This feature shall only be used where camt-data is requested which has a huge size." type: object additionalProperties: type: object AccountReport: title: accountReport type: object properties: booked: description: Array of transaction details type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/TransactionDetails' _links: description: "" type: object additionalProperties: type: object pending: description: Array of transaction details type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/TransactionDetails' required: - booked - _links TransactionDetails: title: transactionDetails description: Transaction details type: object properties: transactionAmount: $ref: '#/definitions/Amount' transactionId: description: "the Transaction Id can be used as access-ID in the API, where more details on an transaction is offered. \nIf this data attribute is provided this shows that the AIS can get access on more details about this \ntransaction using the GET Transaction Details Request" type: string entryReference: description: "Is the identification of the transaction as used e.g. for reference for deltafunction on application level. \nThe same identification as for example used within camt.05x messages." type: string maxLength: 35 endToEndId: description: Unique end to end identity. type: string maxLength: 35 mandateId: description: Identification of Mandates, e.g. a SEPA Mandate ID. type: string maxLength: 35 checkId: description: Identification of a Cheque. type: string maxLength: 35 creditorId: description: Identification of Creditors, e.g. a SEPA Creditor ID. type: string maxLength: 35 bookingDate: description: The Date when an entry is posted to an account on the ASPSPs books. type: string format: date valueDate: description: The Date at which assets become available to the account owner in case of a credit. type: string format: date exchangeRate: description: Array of exchange rates type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ExchangeRate' creditorName: description: Creditor Name example: Creditor Name type: string maxLength: 70 creditorAccount: description: "" type: object ultimateCreditor: description: Ultimate Creditor example: Ultimate Creditor type: string maxLength: 70 debtorName: description: Debtor Name example: Debtor Name type: string maxLength: 70 debtorAccount: description: "" type: object ultimateDebtor: description: Ultimate Debtor example: Ultimate Debtor type: string maxLength: 70 remittanceInformationUnstructured: description: "" type: string maxLength: 140 remittanceInformationStructured: description: |- Reference as contained in the structured remittance reference structure (without the surrounding XML structure). Different from other places the content is containt in plain form not in form of a structered field. type: string maxLength: 140 purposeCode: $ref: '#/definitions/PurposeCode' bankTransactionCode: description: "Bank transaction code as used by the ASPSP and using the sub elements of this structured code defined by ISO 20022. \n\nThis code type is concatenating the three ISO20022 Codes \n * Domain Code, \n * Family Code, and \n * SubFamiliy Code \nby hyphens, resulting in “DomainCode”-“FamilyCode”-“SubFamilyCode”." example: PMNT-RCDT-ESCT type: string proprietaryBankTransactionCode: description: "Proprietary bank transaction code as used within a community or within an ASPSP e.g. \nfor MT94x based transaction reports." type: string maxLength: 35 _links: description: "" type: object additionalProperties: type: object required: - transactionAmount example: transactionDetails: transactionId: 028s1ix182430005 creditorName: ~ creditorAccount: ~ transactionAmount: currency: RON amount: "6257" bookingDate: 2019/1/3 valueDate: 2019/1/3 details: 'Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 9999XXXXXX9999, Ref 12345678, Suma platita 252.91 RON. Comision: 0 RON. Locatie: 12334455 ALIMENTARA SRL BUCURESTI. Data_Ora: 23-02-2019 17:10:30' ExchangeRate: title: exchangeRate description: Exchange Rate type: object properties: currencyFrom: description: ISO 4217 Alpha 3 currency code example: EUR type: string pattern: '[A-Z]{3}' rateFrom: description: "" type: string currencyTo: description: ISO 4217 Alpha 3 currency code example: EUR type: string pattern: '[A-Z]{3}' rateTo: description: "" type: string rateDate: description: "" type: string format: date rateContract: description: "" type: string required: - currencyFrom - rateFrom - currencyTo - rateTo - rateDate PurposeCode: title: purposeCode example: BKDF x-enum-elements: - name: BKDF description: "" - name: BKFE description: "" - name: BKFM description: "" - name: BKIP description: "" - name: BKPP description: "" - name: CBLK description: "" - name: CDCB description: "" - name: CDCD description: "" - name: CDCS description: "" - name: CDDP description: "" - name: CDOC description: "" - name: CDQC description: "" - name: ETUP description: "" - name: FCOL description: "" - name: MTUP description: "" - name: ACCT description: "" - name: CASH description: "" - name: COLL description: "" - name: CSDB description: "" - name: DEPT description: "" - name: INTC description: "" - name: LIMA description: "" - name: NETT description: "" - name: BFWD description: "" - name: CCIR description: "" - name: CCPC description: "" - name: CCPM description: "" - name: CCSM description: "" - name: CRDS description: "" - name: CRPR description: "" - name: CRSP description: "" - name: CRTL description: "" - name: EQPT description: "" - name: EQUS description: "" - name: EXPT description: "" - name: EXTD description: "" - name: FIXI description: "" - name: FWBC description: "" - name: FWCC description: "" - name: FWSB description: "" - name: FWSC description: "" - name: MARG description: "" - name: MBSB description: "" - name: MBSC description: "" - name: MGCC description: "" - name: MGSC description: "" - name: OCCC description: "" - name: OPBC description: "" - name: OPCC description: "" - name: OPSB description: "" - name: OPSC description: "" - name: OPTN description: "" - name: OTCD description: "" - name: REPO description: "" - name: RPBC description: "" - name: RPCC description: "" - name: RPSB description: "" - name: RPSC description: "" - name: RVPO description: "" - name: SBSC description: "" - name: SCIE description: "" - name: SCIR description: "" - name: SCRP description: "" - name: SHBC description: "" - name: SHCC description: "" - name: SHSL description: "" - name: SLEB description: "" - name: SLOA description: "" - name: SWBC description: "" - name: SWCC description: "" - name: SWPT description: "" - name: SWSB description: "" - name: SWSC description: "" - name: TBAS description: "" - name: TBBC description: "" - name: TBCC description: "" - name: TRCP description: "" - name: AGRT description: "" - name: AREN description: "" - name: BEXP description: "" - name: BOCE description: "" - name: COMC description: "" - name: CPYR description: "" - name: GDDS description: "" - name: GDSV description: "" - name: GSCB description: "" - name: LICF description: "" - name: MP2B description: "" - name: POPE description: "" - name: ROYA description: "" - name: SCVE description: "" - name: SERV description: "" - name: SUBS description: "" - name: SUPP description: "" - name: TRAD description: "" - name: CHAR description: "" - name: COMT description: "" - name: MP2P description: "" - name: ECPG description: "" - name: ECPR description: "" - name: ECPU description: "" - name: EPAY description: "" - name: CLPR description: "" - name: COMP description: "" - name: DBTC description: "" - name: GOVI description: "" - name: HLRP description: "" - name: HLST description: "" - name: INPC description: "" - name: INPR description: "" - name: INSC description: "" - name: INSU description: "" - name: INTE description: "" - name: LBRI description: "" - name: LIFI description: "" - name: LOAN description: "" - name: LOAR description: "" - name: PENO description: "" - name: PPTI description: "" - name: RELG description: "" - name: RINP description: "" - name: TRFD description: "" - name: FORW description: "" - name: FXNT description: "" - name: ADMG description: "" - name: ADVA description: "" - name: BCDM description: "" - name: BCFG description: "" - name: BLDM description: "" - name: BNET description: "" - name: CBFF description: "" - name: CBFR description: "" - name: CCRD description: "" - name: CDBL description: "" - name: CFEE description: "" - name: CGDD description: "" - name: CORT description: "" - name: COST description: "" - name: CPKC description: "" - name: DCRD description: "" - name: DSMT description: "" - name: DVPM description: "" - name: EDUC description: "" - name: FACT description: "" - name: FAND description: "" - name: FCPM description: "" - name: FEES description: "" - name: GOVT description: "" - name: ICCP description: "" - name: IDCP description: "" - name: IHRP description: "" - name: INSM description: "" - name: IVPT description: "" - name: MCDM description: "" - name: MCFG description: "" - name: MSVC description: "" - name: NOWS description: "" - name: OCDM description: "" - name: OCFG description: "" - name: OFEE description: "" - name: OTHR description: "" - name: PADD description: "" - name: PTSP description: "" - name: RCKE description: "" - name: RCPT description: "" - name: REBT description: "" - name: REFU description: "" - name: RENT description: "" - name: REOD description: "" - name: RIMB description: "" - name: RPNT description: "" - name: RRBN description: "" - name: RVPM description: "" - name: SLPI description: "" - name: SPLT description: "" - name: STDY description: "" - name: TBAN description: "" - name: TBIL description: "" - name: TCSC description: "" - name: TELI description: "" - name: TMPG description: "" - name: TPRI description: "" - name: TPRP description: "" - name: TRNC description: "" - name: TRVC description: "" - name: WEBI description: "" - name: ANNI description: "" - name: CAFI description: "" - name: CFDI description: "" - name: CMDT description: "" - name: DERI description: "" - name: DIVD description: "" - name: FREX description: "" - name: HEDG description: "" - name: INVS description: "" - name: PRME description: "" - name: SAVG description: "" - name: SECU description: "" - name: SEPI description: "" - name: TREA description: "" - name: UNIT description: "" - name: FNET description: "" - name: FUTR description: "" - name: ANTS description: "" - name: CVCF description: "" - name: DMEQ description: "" - name: DNTS description: "" - name: HLTC description: "" - name: HLTI description: "" - name: HSPC description: "" - name: ICRF description: "" - name: LTCF description: "" - name: MAFC description: "" - name: MARF description: "" - name: MDCS description: "" - name: VIEW description: "" - name: CDEP description: "" - name: SWFP description: "" - name: SWPP description: "" - name: SWRS description: "" - name: SWUF description: "" - name: ADCS description: "" - name: AEMP description: "" - name: ALLW description: "" - name: ALMY description: "" - name: BBSC description: "" - name: BECH description: "" - name: BENE description: "" - name: BONU description: "" - name: CCHD description: "" - name: COMM description: "" - name: CSLP description: "" - name: GFRP description: "" - name: GVEA description: "" - name: GVEB description: "" - name: GVEC description: "" - name: GVED description: "" - name: GWLT description: "" - name: HREC description: "" - name: PAYR description: "" - name: PEFC description: "" - name: PENS description: "" - name: PRCP description: "" - name: RHBS description: "" - name: SALA description: "" - name: SSBE description: "" - name: LBIN description: "" - name: LCOL description: "" - name: LFEE description: "" - name: LMEQ description: "" - name: LMFI description: "" - name: LMRK description: "" - name: LREB description: "" - name: LREV description: "" - name: LSFL description: "" - name: ESTX description: "" - name: FWLV description: "" - name: GSTX description: "" - name: HSTX description: "" - name: INTX description: "" - name: NITX description: "" - name: PTXP description: "" - name: RDTX description: "" - name: TAXS description: "" - name: VATX description: "" - name: WHLD description: "" - name: TAXR description: "" - name: B112 description: "" - name: BR12 description: "" - name: TLRF description: "" - name: TLRR description: "" - name: AIRB description: "" - name: BUSB description: "" - name: FERB description: "" - name: RLWY description: "" - name: TRPT description: "" - name: CBTV description: "" - name: ELEC description: "" - name: ENRG description: "" - name: GASB description: "" - name: NWCH description: "" - name: NWCM description: "" - name: OTLC description: "" - name: PHON description: "" - name: UBIL description: "" - name: WTER description: "" type: string enum: - BKDF - BKFE - BKFM - BKIP - BKPP - CBLK - CDCB - CDCD - CDCS - CDDP - CDOC - CDQC - ETUP - FCOL - MTUP - ACCT - CASH - COLL - CSDB - DEPT - INTC - LIMA - NETT - BFWD - CCIR - CCPC - CCPM - CCSM - CRDS - CRPR - CRSP - CRTL - EQPT - EQUS - EXPT - EXTD - FIXI - FWBC - FWCC - FWSB - FWSC - MARG - MBSB - MBSC - MGCC - MGSC - OCCC - OPBC - OPCC - OPSB - OPSC - OPTN - OTCD - REPO - RPBC - RPCC - RPSB - RPSC - RVPO - SBSC - SCIE - SCIR - SCRP - SHBC - SHCC - SHSL - SLEB - SLOA - SWBC - SWCC - SWPT - SWSB - SWSC - TBAS - TBBC - TBCC - TRCP - AGRT - AREN - BEXP - BOCE - COMC - CPYR - GDDS - GDSV - GSCB - LICF - MP2B - POPE - ROYA - SCVE - SERV - SUBS - SUPP - TRAD - CHAR - COMT - MP2P - ECPG - ECPR - ECPU - EPAY - CLPR - COMP - DBTC - GOVI - HLRP - HLST - INPC - INPR - INSC - INSU - INTE - LBRI - LIFI - LOAN - LOAR - PENO - PPTI - RELG - RINP - TRFD - FORW - FXNT - ADMG - ADVA - BCDM - BCFG - BLDM - BNET - CBFF - CBFR - CCRD - CDBL - CFEE - CGDD - CORT - COST - CPKC - DCRD - DSMT - DVPM - EDUC - FACT - FAND - FCPM - FEES - GOVT - ICCP - IDCP - IHRP - INSM - IVPT - MCDM - MCFG - MSVC - NOWS - OCDM - OCFG - OFEE - OTHR - PADD - PTSP - RCKE - RCPT - REBT - REFU - RENT - REOD - RIMB - RPNT - RRBN - RVPM - SLPI - SPLT - STDY - TBAN - TBIL - TCSC - TELI - TMPG - TPRI - TPRP - TRNC - TRVC - WEBI - ANNI - CAFI - CFDI - CMDT - DERI - DIVD - FREX - HEDG - INVS - PRME - SAVG - SECU - SEPI - TREA - UNIT - FNET - FUTR - ANTS - CVCF - DMEQ - DNTS - HLTC - HLTI - HSPC - ICRF - LTCF - MAFC - MARF - MDCS - VIEW - CDEP - SWFP - SWPP - SWRS - SWUF - ADCS - AEMP - ALLW - ALMY - BBSC - BECH - BENE - BONU - CCHD - COMM - CSLP - GFRP - GVEA - GVEB - GVEC - GVED - GWLT - HREC - PAYR - PEFC - PENS - PRCP - RHBS - SALA - SSBE - LBIN - LCOL - LFEE - LMEQ - LMFI - LMRK - LREB - LREV - LSFL - ESTX - FWLV - GSTX - HSTX - INTX - NITX - PTXP - RDTX - TAXS - VATX - WHLD - TAXR - B112 - BR12 - TLRF - TLRR - AIRB - BUSB - FERB - RLWY - TRPT - CBTV - ELEC - ENRG - GASB - NWCH - NWCM - OTLC - PHON - UBIL - WTER Consents: title: consents description: Content of the body of a consent request. type: object properties: access: $ref: '#/definitions/AccountAccess' recurringIndicator: description: |- "true", if the consent is for recurring access to the account data. "false", if the consent is for one access to the account data. example: false type: boolean validUntil: description: 'This parameter is requesting a valid until date for the requested consent. The content is the local ASPSP date in ISO-Date Format, e.g. 2017-10-30. If a maximal available date is requested, a date in far future is to be used: "9999-12-31". The consent object to be retrieved by the GET Consent Request will contain the adjusted date. The difference between the current date and this date should not exceed 180 days.' example: "2020-12-31" type: string format: date frequencyPerDay: description: |- This field indicates the requested maximum frequency for an access per day. For a one-off access, this attribute is set to "1". example: 4 type: integer format: int32 combinedServiceIndicator: description: If "true" indicates that a payment initiation service will be addressed in the same "session". example: false type: boolean required: - recurringIndicator - validUntil - frequencyPerDay - combinedServiceIndicator - access example: access: availableAccounts: allAccounts recurringIndicator: true validUntil: "2019-04-22" combinedServiceIndicator: false frequencyPerDay: 4 additionalProperties: false AccountAccess: title: accountAccess type: object properties: accounts: description: "Is asking for detailed account information. \n\nIf the array is empty, the TPP is asking for an accessible account list. \nThis may be restricted in a PSU/ASPSP authorization dialogue.\nIf the array is empty, also the arrays for balances or transactions shall be empty, if used." items: type: object $ref: '#/definitions/IBANList' balances: description: "Is asking for balances of the addressed accounts.\n\nIf the array is empty, the TPP is asking for the balances of all accessible account lists. \nThis may be restricted in a PSU/ASPSP authorization dialogue.\nIf the array is empty, also the arrays for accounts or transactions shall be empty, if used." items: type: object $ref: '#/definitions/IBANList' transactions: description: "Is asking for transactions of the addressed accounts. \n\nIf the array is empty, the TPP is asking for the transactions of all accessible account lists. \nThis may be restricted in a PSU/ASPSP authorization dialogue.\nIf the array is empty, also the arrays for accounts or balances shall be empty, if used." items: type: object $ref: '#/definitions/IBANList' availableAccounts: description: |- Optional if supported by API provider. Only the value "allAccounts" is admitted. example: allAccounts type: string default: allAccounts additionalProperties: false Consentsresponse201: title: consentsResponse-201 description: Body of the JSON response for a successful conset request. type: object properties: consentStatus: $ref: '#/definitions/ConsentStatus' consentId: description: ID of the corresponding consent object as returned by an Account Information Consent Request. type: string _links: description: "A list of hyperlinks to be recognised by the TPP. Type of links admitted in this response are: \n- 'scaOAuth' In case of an OAuth2 based Redirect Approach, the ASPSP is transmitting the link where the configuration of the OAuth2 Server is defined. The configuration follows the OAuth 2.0 Authorisation Server Metadata specification. \n- 'self': The link to the Establish Account Information Consent resource created by this request. This link can be used to retrieve the resource data. \n- 'status': The link to retrieve the status of the account information consent." type: object additionalProperties: type: object message: description: Text to be displayed to the PSU, e.g. in a Decoupled SCA Approach. type: string maxLength: 512 required: - consentStatus - consentId - _links example: consentStatus: received consentId: 15535944504672sfbf51fa _links: scaOAuth: href: https://apistorebt.ro/bt/sb/oauth/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server self: href: https://apistorebt.ro/bt/sb/bt-psd2-aisp/v3/consents/15535944504672sfbf51fa status: href: https://apistorebt.ro/bt/sb/bt-psd2-aisp/v3/consents/15535944504672sfbf51fa/status ConsentStatus: title: consentStatus example: received x-enum-elements: - name: received description: "" - name: rejected description: "" - name: valid description: "" - name: revokedByPsu description: "" - name: expired description: "" - name: terminatedByTpp description: "" type: string enum: - received - rejected - valid - revokedByPsu - expired - terminatedByTpp Consentinformationresponse-200Json: title: consentInformationResponse-200_json description: Body of the JSON response for a successfull get consent request. type: object properties: access: $ref: '#/definitions/AccountAccess' recurringIndicator: description: |- "true", if the consent is for recurring access to the account data. "false", if the consent is for one access to the account data. example: false type: boolean validUntil: description: "This parameter is requesting a valid until date for the requested consent. \nThe content is the local ASPSP date in ISO-Date Format, e.g. 2017-10-30. \n\nIf a maximal available date is requested, a date in far future is to be used: \"9999-12-31\". \nThe consent object to be retrieved by the GET Consent Request will contain the adjusted date." example: "2020-12-31" type: string format: date frequencyPerDay: description: |- This field indicates the requested maximum frequency for an access per day. For a one-off access, this attribute is set to "1". example: 4 type: integer format: int32 lastActionDate: description: "This date is containing the date of the last action on the consent object either through \nthe XS2A interface or the PSU/ASPSP interface having an impact on the status." example: "2018-07-01" type: string format: date consentStatus: $ref: '#/definitions/ConsentStatus' required: - access - recurringIndicator - validUntil - frequencyPerDay - lastActionDate - consentStatus example: access: allPSD2: allAccounts recurringIndicator: true validUntil: "2019-04-22" frequencyPerDay: "4" consentStatus: valid lastActionDate: "2019-03-26" Consentstatusresponse200: title: consentStatusResponse-200 description: Body of the JSON response for a successful get status request for a consent. type: object properties: consentStatus: $ref: '#/definitions/ConsentStatus' required: - consentStatus example: consentStatus: valid IBANList: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/IBAN' IBAN: type: object properties: iban: type: string minLength: 1 additionalProperties: false required: - iban TppMessage: properties: category: type: string code: properties: [] type: string text: properties: [] type: string additionalProperties: false TppMessages: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/TppMessage' x-ibm-configuration: enforced: true testable: true phase: realized security: - [] x-ibm-endpoints: - endpointUrl: https://api.apistorebt.ro/bt/sb type: - production - development ...