--- swagger: "2.0" info: x-ibm-name: oauth title: BT - PSD2 - OAuth2 version: 1.0.4 description: This is the OAuth service that can be called to return the OAuth 2.0 Authorisation Server Metadata specification. contact: name: BT schemes: - https consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json - 8a20200f-5099-409b-b858-dcfb3fe2e8ba - dragos.panaitescu@itsmartsystems.eu x-ibm-configuration: testable: true enforced: true phase: realized type: oauth paths: /token: post: responses: 200: description: 200 OK parameters: - name: code type: string required: true in: formData description: Code obtained from the authorisation endpoint - name: grant_type type: string required: true in: formData description: Must be set to authorization_code - name: redirect_uri type: string required: true in: formData description: The value of the redirect_uri parameter included in the original authentication request - name: client_id type: string required: true in: formData description: The client ID obtained from registration - name: client_secret type: string required: true in: formData description: The client secret obtained from registration - name: code_verifier type: string required: true in: formData description: The code verifier for Proof Key of Code Exchange /.well-known/oauth-authorization-server: get: produces: - text/html summary: endpoint for Authorization Code and Implicit grants description: description responses: 200: description: An HTML form for authentication or authorization of this request. 302: description: | Redirect to the clients redirect_uri containing one of the following - **authorization code** for Authorization code grant - **access token** for Implicity grant - **error** in case of errors, such as the user has denied the request /register: post: responses: 200: description: 200 OK parameters: - name: definition_name type: string required: true in: path description: Oauth definition name - name: body required: true in: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RegistrationRequestBody' description: Request Body basePath: /oauth tags: - name: Security description: This is an API that is related to security. The IBM OAuth provider is only used in the sandbox enviroments x-ibm-endpoints: - endpointUrl: https://api.apistorebt.ro/bt/sb type: - production - development definitions: BT-TppMessage_Error: properties: tppMessages: $ref: '#/definitions/TppMessages' additionalProperties: false TppMessage: properties: category: type: string code: properties: [] type: string text: properties: [] type: string additionalProperties: false TppMessages: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/TppMessage' RegistrationRequestBody: description: "" type: object properties: redirect_uris: type: array items: type: string description: Array of redirection URI strings for use in redirect-based authorization flow. company_name: type: string description: Company Name client_name: type: string description: Client APP Name company_url: type: string description: Contact Company URL contact_person: type: string description: Contact Person Name email_address: type: string description: Contact Email Address phone_number: type: string description: Contact Phone Number example: redirect_uris: - https://apistorebt.ro - https://api.apistorebt.ro company_name: TPP Corp. client_name: Third Party Provider Application company_url: https://apistorebt.ro contact_person: Contact TPP email_address: contact.tpp@test.com phone_number: "+40700000000" required: - redirect_uris - client_name additionalProperties: false RegistrationResponseBody: description: "" type: object properties: contact_person: type: string redirect_uris: type: array items: type: string registration_access_token: type: string client_id: type: string email_address: type: string client_secret_expires_at: type: number company_name: type: string company_url: type: string phone_number: type: string client_secret: type: string client_id_issued_at: type: number client_name: type: string example: contact_person: Contact TPP redirect_uris: - https://apistorebt.ro - https://api.apistorebt.ro registration_access_token: kkpjpasdw234240Cuqn3M client_id: jSkcQZhgjg346xziIQPKVxp7 email_address: contact.tpp@test.com client_secret_expires_at: 0 company_name: TPP Corp. company_url: https://apistorebt.ro phone_number: "+40700000000" client_secret: b5HSXnjh5642NvdRlct client_id_issued_at: 1572957891 client_name: Third Party Provider Application TokenRequest: description: "" type: object properties: code: type: string grant_type: type: string redirect_uri: type: string client_id: type: string client_secret: type: string code_verifier: type: string example: "{\r\n\"code\":\"BlRH7RDGtvMmMgWAIHI47C28Ab\",\r\n\"grant_type\":\"authorization_code\",\r\n\"redirect_uri\":\"https://apistorebt.ro\",\r\n\"client_id\":\"A27aa3567aghasdYrUI\",\r\n\"client_secret\":\"H7VxZbrasAA2rwaCrBtq\",\r\n\"code_verifier\":\"x4x0BasdmTD5GvjufgHlvjdRnJg8\"\r\n}" ...